Make Your Own Labels Free and Without a Label Maker

Small label for airplane instrument panel You can make your own custom labels, displaying any text, even pictures, without use of a label maker. The labels have a waterproof surface, are self-adhesive, and stick to virtually any surface. The cost of each label is just a few cents. The above photo shows a label we made in 2016 for our airplane. It shows no sign of aging. In the meantime, we have become more adept at the process and produce a more accurate label boundary. We include the example since it is the oldest label we have made with the method. Another label, made in 2019, explains the readings of the Hobbs meter in our airplane. Label for Hobbs meter The label tells that one must add 1,950 to the indicated Hobbs time to get the total in-service time of our airplane. Here is a panel label for Piper Cubs. Years ago, we saw a Piper Cub with that text taped to the panel. Clearly, the owner had a great sense of humor. Piper Cub operating restriction Needed Equi...