Camera of iPad Produces Violation of Class C Airspace

Tallahassee, FL Class C airspace. Our southbound route is depicted by the green line. A recent trip from Texas to Sarasota, FL proved once more the value of ADS-B when we faced bad weather en route. In our plane, the ADS-B information is displayed by the Garmin Pilot on our iPad . The app obtains the relevant information via Bluetooth from the onboard GDL39. The latter unit receives the ADS-B data broadcast by ground stations as well as by other aircraft. But the trip also showed that the information may become corrupted when other iPad apps are invoked in flight, without a hint that things have gone wrong. Here are the details. We take off from the Marianna, FL airport early in the morning. Shortly thereafter we transit the outer ring of the Class C airspace of the Tallahassee airport. That ring demands flight to be below 1400 ft. Selecting an altitude of 1200 ft MSL, we satisfy that condition; see the green route in the above screenshot. As we near the Gulf Coast of Florida...